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J’aime sur YouTube: SCANDALE : Toute la vérité sur Manuel VALLS (le vrai visage que les médias vous cachent)

SCANDALE : Toute la vérité sur Manuel VALLS (le vrai visage que les médias vous cachent) Vendredi 25 avril 2014 parut “Le Vrai Visage de Manuel Valls”, dernier livre d’Emmanuel Ratier, subitement décédé dans une grotte au cours d’une activité spéléologique : Présentation de l’ouvrage : En moins de trois ans, Manuel Valls est …

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J’aime sur YouTube: China’s Shocking Military Secret REVEALED

China’s Shocking Military Secret REVEALED For more than 15 years, Chinese military hospitals across China have kept a closely guarded secret. Doctors at private hospitals know about it, and even participate. But no one dares reveal it to the public. Sign this petition to stop organ harvesting in China: Read the Bloody Harvest report: …

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J’aime sur YouTube: China’s Shocking Military Secret REVEALED

China’s Shocking Military Secret REVEALED For more than 15 years, Chinese military hospitals across China have kept a closely guarded secret. Doctors at private hospitals know about it, and even participate. But no one dares reveal it to the public. Sign this petition to stop organ harvesting in China: Read the Bloody Harvest report: …

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J’aime sur YouTube: Super Efficient Off-Grid Earthship Built with Recycled Tires

Super Efficient Off-Grid Earthship Built with Recycled Tires In this video, we meet Connie and Craig from Wind Chasers. They’re a retired couple who built themselves a 100% off-grid, passive solar earthship using plans they bought from Mike Reynolds (the man featured in the Garbage Warrior documentary – check it out if you haven’t already!). …