J’aime sur YouTube: How The Homeless are Treated in Canada VS. America (Social Experiment)

How The Homeless are Treated in Canada VS. America (Social Experiment) We conducted a Social experiment to see how Canadians and Americans react to the homeless. This experiment was shot in the cold for 30 minutes. We were surprised by how different the responses were. Its Christmas and Holiday Season, lets make some change! Lets …

J’aime sur YouTube: Liberals Win Canadian Election

Liberals Win Canadian Election We’ve got a new Prime Minister in Canada. Justin Trudeau has been elected in a decisive win for the liberal party. Cenk Uygur, host of the The Young Turks, breaks it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below. “Canada’s Liberal Party has decisively won a general election, …

J’aime sur YouTube: MEET MY BOYFRIEND!! + Q&A

MEET MY BOYFRIEND!! + Q&A Hey Doll’s New Video’s Every Week! Don’t Forget To Comment, Like ,& SUBSCRIBE!! **FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM :http://ift.tt/213fZiP **SNAPCHAT @AngelaVanoll’s New Video’s Every Week! Don’t Forget To Comment, Like ,& SUBSCRIBE!! **FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM :http://ift.tt/213fZiP **SNAPCHAT @AngelaVanityity **Follow Him At https:// http://www.twitter.com/canyoubehappy **His Instagram http://ift.tt/1PLiy0w via YouTube http://youtu.be/Q7CnSNYil18

J’aime sur YouTube: Life Inside a Secret Chinese Bitcoin Mine

Life Inside a Secret Chinese Bitcoin Mine Subscribe to Motherboard Radio today! http://apple.co/1DWdc9d In October of last year Motherboard gained access to a massive, secretive Bitcoin mine housed within a repurposed factory in the Liaoning Province in rural northeast China. This is the infrastructure that keeps the digital currency’s decentralized network up and running, and …

J’aime sur YouTube: What is Random?

What is Random? There’s more over on Veritasium! “What is NOT Random?”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMb00lz-IfE SOURCES AND MORE BELOW! My twitter: https://twitter.com/tweetsauce My instagram: http://ift.tt/1nCYTRJ Generate random numbers using atmospheric noise: http://www.random.org/ randomness: http://ift.tt/taqqEp http://ift.tt/1lFSx2n http://ift.tt/1nb5ntR http://ift.tt/1rrdtOt http://ift.tt/1nb5ntU flipping a coin until 10 heads happen in a row: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwvIGNXY21Y rolling dice until you get a Yahtzee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiTwar7mFws …

J’aime sur YouTube: What is NOT Random?

What is NOT Random? Is the future of the universe already determined? Vsauce tackles “What is Random?”: https://youtu.be/9rIy0xY99a0 Special Thanks to: Prof Stephen Bartlett, Prof Phil Moriarty, Prof Andrea Morello, Prof Tim Bedding, Prof Michio Kaku, A/Prof Alex Argyros, Henry Reich, Vanessa Hill, Dianna Cowern, George Ruiz and Mystery Cat. Views expressed in this video …

J’aime sur YouTube: Gravity Glue 2014 (short version)

Gravity Glue 2014 (short version) Stone Balance and Videography by Michael Grab random video clips recorded throughout 2014 http://ift.tt/qhbhsg More info: http://ift.tt/1Bxr9LZ All Rights Reserved All video clips are under copyright and ownership of Michael Grab (www.gravityglue.com) VIEWING RECOMMENDATIONS – Big Sound – Fullscreen HD 720p 🙂 MUSIC: All music is under copyright and ownership …

J’aime sur YouTube: BONUS 12 : Présentation du nouveau labo… et plus encore…

BONUS 12 : Présentation du nouveau labo… et plus encore… On me réclamait une présentation du labo depuis pas mal de temps, voilà qui est chose faite. Voici donc un bonus qui fait suite à la réinstallation du laboratoire dans une nouvelle configuration. Mais ça n’est pas tout, je donne également un aperçu d’une douzaine …

J’aime sur YouTube: 7 HOLES in the Space Station – Smarter Every Day 135

7 HOLES in the Space Station – Smarter Every Day 135 Subscribe if this video earned it ⇒ http://bit.ly/Subscribe2SED Tweet ⇒ http://bit.ly/7HolesTwt Post to FB⇒ http://bit.ly/7HolesFB Comment threads on Reddit: http://bit.ly/1zM9T9C (/r/Space) http://bit.ly/1RmjTvH (/r/smartereveryday) There are 3 astronauts in this video: -ESA Astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti Tweets by AstroSamantha Astronauts in space right now…. SENDING YOU …